GF Vegan Chocolate Mud Cupcakes with Ganache Icing

vegan chcolate mudcakes cupcakes ganache

If you ever feel like a chocolate treat these cupcakes are for you. Not really healthy but completely vegan, gluten-free and nut-free so very allergy-friendly and sometimes in life we do need some chocolate mud cupcakes! IMG_6702IMG_6719

Chocolate Mud Cupcakes Recipe

Makes 12


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Chocolate Mud Cupcakes:

  • 100 gr of vegan butter
  • 100gr of dark chocolate
  • ½ cup of hot water
  • ¼ cup of coffee
  • ¾ cup to 1 cup of sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 2/3 cup of GF flour
  • ¼ cup of self-raising GF flour
  • 2 tbsp of cocoa or cacao powder
  • 1 flax egg (1 tbsp of flax meal combined with 3 tbsp of water)

Chocolate Ganache:

  • 100gr of melted dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp of coconut cream


  1. Preheat your oven to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit).
  2. Line twelve muffin pans with cupcake liners.
  3. In a small bowl make your flax egg by combining the flax meal and water. Leave to set.
  4. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, chopped dark chocolate, hot water and coffee. Cook stirring for a few minutes until the chocolate and butter melt completely. Turn off the heat, add the sugar and stir to combine. Leave to cool slightly on the side.
  5. In a mixing bowl, pour in the chocolate mixture then add the flours and cacao a little at a time stirring with a whisk. Then add the flax egg and whisk until smooth.
  6. Pour the cupcake mixture in your cupcake cases almost to the top and place them in your oven to cook for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through. Leave to cool completely on a wire rack.
  7. For the ganache, melt the dark chocolate and coconut cream in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir until the chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Remove from the heat.
  8. Spread with a spoon over your cupcakes and decorate with extra cacao, cacao nibs, flowers or sprinkles.


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